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Message Header

Message Header

The Message Header page is accessible only from its corresponding message's page. It contains message identification and routing information, as well as application-specific properties that provide information about how the message should be processed or interpreted. NOTE: Message headers apply primarily to JMS messages.

The Message Header page contains the following information:

  • Name of Defining Message: The name of the message for which this header is defined. NOTE: The message's name is automatically provided when the header is created.
  • Message ID: The identifier assigned by the application or process that creates or sends the message.
  • Message Destination: An indication of whether the message will be sent to a topic (delivered to multiple subscribers) or a queue (a staging area containing messages that are waiting to be read).
  • Delivery Mode: An indication of whether the message is persistent (the message will be recovered in the event of a message broker failure) or non-persistent (the message will be discarded in the event of a failure).
  • Priority: A single digit indicating the priority level assigned to the message.
  • Destination Name: The name of the topic or queue to which the message is being sent.
  • Time to Live: The measurement of how long the message is to live. The producer's default time to live is unlimited; the message never expires.
  • List of Application-Specific Properties: The names, descriptions, and permissible values of properties (fields) that provide information about how the message should be processed or interpreted. NOTE: Properties are created or edited on a separate Application-Specific Properties page which is accessible only from the message header's page.

  • Application-Specific Properties

    The Application-Specific Properties page is used to create or edit a property, i.e., a message header field that provides information about how the message should be processed or interpreted. NOTE: The page is accessible only from its corresponding message header's page. A message header can have more than one property.

    The Application-Specific Property page contains the following information:

    • Name (required): The name used to identify the property.
    • Description: A short passage that describes the property.
    • Permissible Values: A description of the property's set of allowable instances (values), together with their definitions.
    • Filter Criteria: The message header attribute(s) which will be used if routing and filtering requirement will be requested by the service subscribers.