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The Operations section describes each operation (i.e., a logical group of messages related to a single service action) that is performed through the service interface. NOTE: A service can have more than one operation.

The Operations page contains the following information:

  • Name (required): The name used to identify the operation.
  • Description: A short passage that describes the operation.
  • Message Exchange Pattern: A single value used to classify the operation based on the generic pattern of message exchange that takes place between service consumers and providers. Values are:
  • In-Only Indicates an operation which has only an input message, that is, a message is sent to the service and service does not produce any output message.
    In-Out Indicates an operation where an input message is sent to the service first and an output message (or a fault message) is generated in response.
    Out-Only Indicates an operation which has only an output message, that is, the service generates the output message but does not expect to receive any response message or fault messages.
    Out-In Indicates an operation where the service generates the output message and in return the input message (or a fault message) is received.

    If the service does not deploy request-response messaging, the input, output, and fault messages may be omitted and the phrase, "This service does not deploy request-response messaging" inserted in the Operations section of the JMSDD.

  • Idempotency: An indication of whether the operation is idempotent (receiving duplicates of a given message will not cause any undesirable effect) or non-idempotent (receiving duplicates of a given message may cause an undesirable effect).
  • Operation Type: An indication of whether the operation is synchronous (its message exchange pattern describes temporally coupled or lock-step interactions, e.g., RPC-style request-response) or asynchronous (its message exchange pattern allows messages to be sent without precise sequencing, e.g., a flow of sensor event messages which need not be individually acknowledged).
  • Processing Considerations: A description of any algorithms, calculations, or business rules that act within the operation on input data in order to produce the required output or to produce a change of internal state.
  • List of Messages: The names and descriptions of messages that are exchanged as part of the operation. NOTE: Messages can be created from within the operation's page, or separately in the Messages section.