Creating and Printing Service Description Documents
Anyone with an NSRR Account may create, print, and download a Web Services Description Document (WSDD) or Java Messaging System Design Document (JMSDD) for any of the services within the NSRR. NSRR automatically selects the document format according to the service’s interface type and populates a WSDD or JMSDD formatted document template (draft) from the service’s metadata.
Note: The document is in draft form and must be edited to comply with stylistic, structure and content requirements of FAA-STD-073 or FAA-STD-065A.
A Service Description Document can be created in either of two ways:
1. Click on "Create service description document" in the SERVICE DOCUMENTATION Panel in the center of the Home page. A Create Service Description Document page will open and a drop-down list of services will appear. Choose the service you want from the drop-down list and click on the Create service description document button. A WSDD or JMSDD for the selected service will be created and displayed in Adobe PDF format. Alternatively,
2. Find the service you want using any search method. From any of the service’s detailed metadata pages, select SERVICES on the Top Menu bar, scroll to Print Service Description and click. A WSDD or JMSDD will be created and displayed in Adobe PDF format.
To Print / Download the Service Description Document:
1. Click on the Printer Icon in the upper right corner of the display screen to print the document and change print-related settings. Click the Print button to print the document.
2. Click on the Download Icon in the upper right corner of the display screen to download the document to your computer. The default download file format is PDF.
Note: If you have MS Word 2013, you may right click the PDF file saved, and Select to Open with MS Word. MS Word will convert the document from PDF, and open it in MS Word. (Adobe Acrobat XI Pro will also allow you to Save As MS Word.) The document can then be customized in this format.
NSRR populates the service description document from NSRR metadata. If you wish to edit or add additional data, you need to return to the appropriate Service Detail page and edit and make the corrections there. To finalize the draft document (e.g., adding a Table of contents or Revision table) you need to download the document and convert it to an editable format.