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Service Profile

The Service Profile section advertises the service to potential consumers by describing the parties responsible for providing the service, what is accomplished by the service, and limitations on service applicability.

The Service Profile page contains the following information:

  • Name (Required): The name (and commonly-used acronym, if any) used to identify the service.
  • Description: A description of the service. NOTE: The description should include the service's major functionality. The description may include a brief account of the data provided or consumed by the service. All acronyms used in the description must be spelled out. If the description includes concepts that deserve more explanation, the description should not include the explanation but rather should contain a sentence like "For more information on (concept), see the Service Background [or a service document or reference]."
  • GRID (Global Registry ID): The unique identifier (URI) of the service. NOTE: this is entered by the Registry Custodian.
  • Service Version: The current version or revision level of the service.
  • SWIM Service Category: One or more values used to classify the service based on the type of SWIM capabilities it offers. Values are:
  • Information A service that offers capabilities for generating, making available, storing, managing, and analyzing information through the use of SOA-based technologies. Abstract. Searchable, but not selectable.
    Aeronautical A service that provides information used to describe, manage, and control aeronautical facts, concepts or instructions such as special use airspace restrictions, airport configuration, and Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS).
    Flight A service that provides information used to describe, manage, and control the safe movement of aircraft in the airspace, including information such as flight itinerary, flight identification, flight planning, flight events and status, and air traffic management (ATM) control events associated with a single flight, where a flight normally includes one takeoff and one landing.
    Infrastructure A service that provides information used to describe the infrastructure and resources supporting a flight such as landing facilities, air space partitions, communications systems, navigation systems, surveillance systems, automation tools, etc.
    Surveillance A service that provides information produced by technologies (e.g., radar, beacon interrogator, automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) for detecting and locating airborne and taxiing aircraft and ground support vehicles.
    Weather A service that provides information used to describe current or predicted atmospheric conditions, including terminal and airborne weather observations, forecasts, and reports of weather phenomena.
    Core A service that offers capabilities by which to interconnect, adapt, and facilitate services provided by other parties. Abstract. Searchable, but not selectable.
    Discovery A service that provides capabilities for obtaining information about other services.
    Mediation A service that provides capabilities for connecting systems that deploy different data representations, formats, or protocols.
    Messaging A service that provides capabilities for distributing messages exchanged by interacting components.
    Security A service that provides capabilities for protecting systems from unauthorized access or interference with data transfers.
  • Service Interface Type: A single value used to classify the service based on the kind of technological solution deployed by the service. Values are:
  • Method-oriented An interface that exposes service capabilities through a set of operations. Technologies that support this interface type are Web Service framework (WS*) and OGC Web Common Services.
    Message-oriented An interface that exposes service capabilities through creating, sending, receiving, and reading messages exchanged by distributed systems. The middleware technologies that support this interface type include Java Message Service (JMS) and .NET WCF.
    Resource-oriented An interface that supports the REST architectural style of interactions, that is, manipulation of XML representations of Web resources using a uniform set of stateless operations, usually a set of HTTP methods.
  • Messaging Model (used for message-oriented interface types): A single value used to classify the service based on the kind of messaging model it deploys. Values are:
  • Publish/ Subscribe A messaging model that supports publishing messages to a particular message topic. Subscribers may register interest in receiving messages on a particular message topic.
    Point-to-Point A messaging model in which messages are routed to an individual consumer that maintains a queue of incoming messages. Each message is addressed to a specific queue, and the receiving clients extract messages from the queues established to hold their messages. While any number of producers can send messages to the queue, each message is guaranteed to be delivered to and consumed by one consumer.
  • Criticality Level: A single value used to classify the service based on the level of significance given to a functional failure of the service. Values are:
  • Critical Loss of this service would significantly raise the risk associated with providing safe and efficient operations.
    Essential Loss of this service would raise the risk associated with providing safe and efficient operations to an unacceptable level.
    Routine Loss of this service would have a minor impact on the risk associated with providing safe and efficient operations.
  • Lifecycle Stage: A single value used to classify the service based on its current Service Lifecycle Management Process (SLMP) stage. NOTE: this is entered by the Registry Custodian. Values are:
  • Proposed The stage during which the business needs for the proposed service are identified and assessed as to whether needs can be met through the use of SOA.
    Definition The stage during which the service's business requirements are gathered and the service design is produced based on these requirements.
    Development The stage during which the service specifications are developed and the service is built.
    Verification The stage during which the service is being inspected and/or tested to confirm that the service is of sufficient quality, complies with the prescribed set of standards and regulations, and is approved for use.
    Production The stage during which the service is available for use by its intended consumers.
    Deprecated The stage during which the service can no longer be used by new consumers.
    Retired The stage during which the service is disposed of and is no longer used.
  • Service Suite:A single value, usually the acronym of a system or program, used to classify the service into a larger group of related services that are likely to share the same service lifecycle documents (e.g., a concept of operations, a requirements document, test plan, etc.). NOTE: this value is entered by the Registry Custodian. For more information on sharing documents, see Service Documents.
  • Service Summary: A synopsis of the service's primary purpose and functions. NOTE: this summary, which is separate from the Service Description field presented above, supports the NSRR Home Page "Browse/view services" capability and is only visible on the Service Profile edit page. NOTE: the summary is limited to 300 characters and must explain what the service does as succinctly as possible; e.g., "This service allows consumers to [perform an activity, get data, etc.]." It is entered by the Registry Custodian.
  • Information Topics: Multiple values used to classify the service based on the different types of information and data products associated with the service. NOTE: this set of topics supports the NSRR Home Page "Search for a service" capability and is only visible on the Service Profile edit page. Assignment of topics is done by the Registry Custodian.