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Establishing an NSRR Account

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To establish an account in the NSRR, open any web browser and enter On the Request Account form, fill in your Personal Information. (Note: All fields marked with a red asterisk* must be completed. If you miss something or skip anything, you will receive an error message when you try to submit the form. You will need to fix the error before resubmitting. For more information about fields, click on the HELP icon in the upper right corner of the form.)

In the Access Type field, you will need to select either Registry Viewer or Service Publisher.

The Registry Viewer account allows you to view (but not update) registry content and to search service metadata and associated documentation by key words or phrases. You may also subscribe to and manage your subscriptions for service notifications via email by checking the “I wish to be notified” button and highlighting a service from the list of services that appears. If you want to select multiple services, press the control button key and highlight each service.

The Service Publisher account gives you the same privileges as the Registry Viewer, but you may also add and modify service metadata, upload documents associated with services and request promotions of services through their life cycle stages. Checking the Service Publisher button opens a Service Publisher panel that displays a list of Existing Service Names. Using the scroll bar on the right side, scroll to the service that you will be maintaining and highlight it. If you plan to work with multiple services, press the key and highlight each service. If your service is not listed, check the New Service button and enter the full name (and acronym) of the new service, e.g., Flight Plan Service (FPS), in the New Service Name field. For adding additional new services, you may enter them all in the New Service Name field or drop to the Note field and list the service names and acronyms there. If you are an FAA Contractor, provide the name of your FAA sponsor (generally the Program Manager).

Lastly, use the Note field to describe why you want an account. If you are going to be supporting an existing service, include that in your Note. If you are requesting a new service(s), then use this field to briefly describe your new service(s). Once the form is complete, submit the request to the NSRR Administrative team for activation. You will receive an email with instructions on setting your password. Your password must contain a minimum of eight (8) characters consisting of both upper and lower case letters along with digits and non-alphanumeric (i.e. !@$%+.,*) characters, and must not include any part of your user name.

After the password is set, you will be able to login to NSRR. If your request includes creating a new service, the service will be created along with your new account.

When you log into NSRR, you will see a “Welcome back link in the upper right corner of every NSRR page. Clicking on this link will allow you to edit some of the information in your Profile, including your email address, phone number, whether or not you or your organization are or plan to become SWIM service consumers, and your local time zone.

Another feature appearing together with the Welcome Back link is a Notification Icon that lets you know when new documents have been added to the NSRR Library. The number displayed beside the Icon represents the number of new documents that you have not yet opened. Clicking on this number takes you to the NSRR Library page, where you may display each library record and open the corresponding document file. New documents in the NSRR library are signified by the words “new” or “updated”. After you click on a new document’s title, its “new” or “updated” designation will disappear, and the notification count will decrement when the page is completely refreshed (i.e., more than just using the back arrow to return to the previous page). A document is only “new” for 30 days, and during this time it will appear as “new” until you have opened it.