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Modifying an Account

Whenever you log into NSRR, you will see a "Welcome back <your First Name>" link in the upper right corner of the NSRR page. Clicking on this link will allow you to edit some of the information in your User Profile, as follows:

The personal information includes the following:

  • E-Mail (required): An e-mail address where the user can receive NSRR-related messages or correspondence.
  • Phone Number (required): A phone number where the user can be reached.
  • Service Consumer Designation (required): Select "yes" or "no" in answer to a question of whether you or your organization currently consumes or plans to consume any SWIM services in the near future.
  • Locale Settings - Time Zone: Select the country/city time zone from the drop-down list which corresponds to your local time. NOTE: a user sees a document timestamp as reflected in their time zone. For example, a document dated 14:50 for a user in EDT displays as 11:50 if the user changes their time zone to America/Los Angeles.

Your changes will become effective as soon as you save them.

To change your password, click on the Change Password link in the NSRR login box, which will take you to a form for requesting a new password. Fill in your email address and submit the form. You will receive an email with instructions on setting your password. Your password must contain a minimum of eight (8) characters consisting of both upper and lower case letters along with digits and non-alphanumeric (i.e. !@$%+.,*) characters, and must not include any part of your user name.