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Editing a Service in the Production Lifecycle Stage

NSRR is designed to prevent users from making changes to a service that is in active use by its consumers. However, some changes to a service can be made without affecting its consumers. If you are a Service Publisher and wish to edit your Production-stage service, follow these steps:

1. Select SERVICES in the Top Menu bar, scroll to Service Notifications and click to open the Custom Notification page OR Select Send custom notification from the Home page SERVICES panel, and select the Service you wish to send a custom notification for. Use this page to describe the changes you intend to make to the service, and click on the Send button to send an email notification to the Registry Custodian and all subscribers.

2. The Registry Custodian will work with you to determine if the proposed changes are major (will affect consumer software agents) or minor (will not affect consumer agents). A list of typical major and minor changes is shown below.

3. If the changes are minor, the Custodian will grant you permission to edit the service.

4. If the changes are major, send a second custom notification letting subscribers know that a brief waiting period has begun, during which you will respond to any questions or concerns about the proposed changes and consumers can prepare for the upcoming changes. When the waiting period is over and all questions or concerns have been dealt with to your satisfaction, tell the Custodian, who will grant you permission to edit the service.

5. After you have permission to edit the service, make the required changes. The act of editing will trigger an email to all subscribers and Custodian notifying them that the service has been updated.

    Major Schema Changes

  • Renaming or removing a global type or enumeration value.
  • Changing the type of a global/local element.
  • Changing the definition from optional to required, for global or local elements.

    Major Documentation Changes

  • Removing or renaming any element declared in the document.
  • Changing the operation or message signature.
  • Changing the message exchange pattern (MEP) of any existing operation definition.

    Minor Schema Changes

  • Adding a global element or a type.
  • Changing the definition of a local element from required to optional.
  • Adding or changing descriptions or annotations.

    Minor Documentation Changes

  • Adding a new operation.
  • Adding a new portType, binding or a service.
  • Updating a message element with a reference to a schema type that is derived as an extension of the original.
  • Adding a new optional behavior without changing the message signatures or types.
  • Adding or changing descriptions or annotations.

see Managing Service Metadata.