Managing Service Metadata
Editing a Service
Editing service metadata in the NSRR is very similar to the process of developing or editing Web Service or Java Messaging Service Description Documents. (For more about WSDD and JMSDD, see The layout of metadata in the NSRR is almost identical to the structure of these documents. Every NSRR screen used to display or edit a service's metadata can be mapped to a section of a WSDD or JMSDD, and the Navigation Menu on the left side of the screen is a near-exact copy of the WSDD or JMSDD Table of Contents.
A new service can be edited as soon as it has been established in the NSRR by the Registry Custodian. Before beginning to edit any service, you must ensure that you have appropriate (i.e., Service Publisher) privileges for modifying that particular service. If you are a Service Publisher, you will see an EDIT button in the Service Profile screen. If there is no EDIT button, as would be the case for a service in the Production lifecycle stage, you will have to send a request for changes to be made to your account by clicking on HELP in the Top Menu and then clicking on CONTACT US.
NOTE: If you need to edit a service that is in Production, see Editing a Service in the Production Lifecycle Stage for more information.
Clicking on a Navigation Menu item that corresponds to a particular section brings up a screen containing that section's metadata. Like a WSDD or JMSDD, each section (e.g., "Service Functionality") may also have one or more subsections (e.g., "Business Function"). The sections and subsections, called panels, are each encircled with a narrow border. All panels utilize the same basic editing procedures for adding, modifying, or deleting metadata. You can generally edit metadata in any panel in any order, although you should be aware that some metadata may rely on previously established metadata.
Adding Metadata
1. A section or subsection to which no metadata has been added will display a panel with the words "XXX has not been defined" along with a link "+ Add XXX". Clicking on the link brings up a form with fields for entering all metadata associated with that section. Clicking on the HELP icon (?) at the top of the section's screen will list and describe all the fields.
2. Form fields are of several types: a label (e.g., a name, a URL), a drop-down list of selectable values, a checkbox, and a description. The description field allows you to compose lengthy descriptions using a text editor tool,CKEditor. This tool lets you add a limited amount of formatting (e.g., bold face) and hyperlinks to text. It also lets you paste text and images copied from other documents. For help and guidance on using CKEditor, see
3. After you have filled in the form, including all required fields which are designated with a red asterisk (*), click the SAVE button or the CANCEL button at the bottom of the form. Clicking SAVE returns you to the previous screen, which now displays your new metadata. Clicking CANCEL also returns you to the previous screen, but does not save any metadata you might have entered.
4. If more than one instance of a subsection can be added, its panel will display a link "+Add XXX" If you wish to add another instance, click on the link and proceed as in step 2 above.
Modifying Metadata
1. A section or subsection that contains metadata will display an EDIT button in its panel's upper right corner. Clicking on the button brings up a form whose fields contain the metadata that was most recently entered and saved.
2. Using the editing features described in "Adding Metadata" you may keep, erase, or edit the metadata in any field. Required fields may not be left blank.
3. After you are satisfied with your changes, click the SAVE button or the CANCEL button at the bottom of the form. Clicking SAVE returns you to the previous screen, which now displays your modified metadata. Clicking CANCEL also returns you to the previous screen, but does not save any changes you might have made.
Deleting Metadata
1. If a section or subsection has a DELETE button in its panel's upper right corner, this means you can delete the panel in its entirety. Clicking on the button brings up a dialog box with the words "Are you sure you want to delete this XXX" along with an OK button and a CANCEL button.
2. Clicking OK returns you to the previous screen, which no longer displays your deleted metadata. Clicking CANCEL also returns you to the previous screen, but leaves the original metadata intact.