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The Data section describes the nature, structure, and representation of the data that constitutes the body or payload of the service's messages, i.e., the data shared between service providers and consumers. The Data section captures bibliographic and location information for relevant data definition documents, including XML Schemas, Data Model Diagrams, or other descriptive documents. NOTE: NSRR allows service publishers to store these documents in the registry; see the Service Documents section for information about uploading and downloading these and other documents.

The Data page contains the following information:

  • Data Type: An indication of whether the data is structured (organized in well-defined semantic units that are variously called fields, elements, objects, or entities; e.g., an XML document) or unstructured (does not follow any hierarchical sequence or any relational rules; e.g., audio, video, unstructured text).
  • Document Type (applies to structured data): An indication of whether the document that describes the syntax and semantics of the structured data is an XML Schema (e.g., a .xsd file), a Data Model Diagram, or some other Data Description Document.
  • Name/Title (required): The name or title of the data document or unstructured data.
  • Description (applies to structured data): A short passage that describes the content of the data document.
  • Version/Revision (applies to structured data): The version or revision number of the data document.
  • Exchange Model (applies to structured data): The name of the common information exchange model used, if any. Current values are:
  • AIXM Aeronautical Information Exchange Model
    FIXM Flight Information Exchange Model
    WXXM Weather Information Exchange Model
  • Target Namespace (applies to structured data): The namespace in which the data entities are defined.
  • MIME Type (applies to unstructured data): The internet media type that identifies the unstructured data's format.
  • Encoding Protocol (applies to unstructured data): The standard or specification that governs the particular MIME type.
  • Protocol Version (applies to unstructured data): The version or revision number of the protocol.
  • Location: The location (URL) of the data definition document (for structured data) or encoding protocol (for unstructured data). NOTE: for information on uploading or downloading the document, see the NSRR Service Documents section.