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Qualities of Service

The Qualities of Service (QoS) section describes the measurable characteristics (parameters) that the service is expected to meet or possess. NOTE: A service can have more than one QoS parameter.

The QoS page contains an overall QoS Description, as well as the following information for each QoS parameter:

  • QoS Parameter Name (required): The word or phrase used to identify the QoS parameter, e.g., capacity, response time, etc. Note that as soon as the user types in this field, a list will appear with QoS parameters required for the Service On-ramping form. The user may select one of these parameters, or populate the field with a free-form entry. If a property from the list is chosen, the Definition field will also be pre-populated with a standard definition.
  • Value: The value or range of values that the QoS parameter is expected to meet or possess.
  • Definition (required): A short passage that describes the QoS parameter.
  • Calculation Method A description of how the QoS values are measured or calculated.
  • Unit of Measure: The unit of measure in which the QoS values are expressed.